Friday, March 30, 2012

The Water Cycle

We started off as droplets, among the countless others that added up collectively as rain—it might have been in a drizzle, a quick shower, a moderate downpour, or a deluge. We were hailed from different clouds: might have passed one another on the way, might even have fallen at exactly the same moment.

We didn’t know. We didn’t care.


We were not quite sure where gravity will take us, but we all had our own destinations to reach; we wanted to land somewhere safe, a place where it wouldn’t hurt, where circumstances will eventually take us back up. We braced ourselves for the crash, and crash we did.

Fortunate were those who fell in flowing rivers and streams... they were the shortest, easiest routes to the ocean—freedom was a small price to pay when all one had to do was to let the current pull them in. Not everyone had that luck. There were those who fell into rooftops, asphalt, sand, leaves, bricks, old tires... and we... made our way into a puddle.

And there we finally met.

There was nowhere else to go. We were stepped at, ridden on, splashed about; yet we found that we wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. It was that puddle—our group of drops that gave us a home. We learned that we didn’t have to join the ocean to complete our existence; we were perfectly content.

I hope, when we eventually fade into vapor, that we are also able to share the same cloud.

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